The title of my project

Twitter Analysis 💬

I designed this project because I was interested in Swift and in Machine learning, this was a very exciting project yet a challenging one as well.

I created a twitter analysis using one of the newest APIs that has come out in the IOs 12 bag of goodies that we got from Apple, and this is, of course, CoreML 2. I used it so I can get access to the same machine learning framework that's used across the Apple products including what they have inside Siri, inside the Camera, inside Photos. so why did I use Natural Language processing? will I used this framework, because it enables me to analyze text and speech and use machine learning models to understand what it means. So how does it work? if you can go onto Twitter and search for something like, say, @CocCola, and if you take a look at the latest tweets that people have written about @CocaCola or trying to reply to Coca-Cola or talking about Coca-Cola, then you get a standard on how people feel about a particular company, right? for example, a tweet that discusses that side of effects of coca-cola on your dental health. Because Coca-Cola may cause diabetes. The app can give you both review about companies and stock, it will show the results with emojis illustrating if it was good or bad using machine learning.