The title of my project

Tesla clone 🚘 ⚡️

Why did I create this project? Will first off I like anything related to coding. I was inspired to challenge myself and build the same UI as the Original Tesla website.

Tesla ⚡️ clone built with React.js. Through out this project I have used React-Router which is the standard routing library for React. With Firebase for authentication, it saves a lot of time to develop web service methods for authentication, in other words, I can avoid developing server-side techniques for various kinds of confirmation in case I want to add social logins like google and apple. All that will be managed efficiently by Firebase, with firebase authentication I can also get good analytics and demographic information of the users. I also applied Redux which helps with writing JavaScript apps that behave consistently across client, server, and native environments and are easy to test,and Material-UI.

So what to expect from this project?

First off, the home page illustrates the Tesla home page with numerous buttons, you can create an account and login to your Tesla account where you will see different cars there, the button on the top right, also recognised as the "Hamburger" works and you can close it as well, finally after logging in you can either sign out or Logout.