The title of my project

FlashChat Project 💬 ⚡️

I created an app called FlashChat which is going to be a messaging app. so how does it work you may ask?

I used an iOS navigation controller, so how I can go back and forth between different screens. I also used CocaPods Package Manager to be able to incorporate third-party libraries into the app and one of those third-party libraries is something called Firebase which is a service provided by Google to be able to authenticate all users to log in as well as store the message data on a cloud-based database.

In addition, IOS table views were also used in this project, for me to get the same style as the normal messaging apps, I had to use this library, which displays a single column of vertically scrolling content, divided into rows. Each row in the table contains one piece of your contacts.

you can easily login and start chatting with someone.Just press and the button and try it Yourself.